Australasian Professional Legal Education Community Ltd

News & Events

APLEC Conference 2024 Presentations and Papers


WELCOME: 2:00 - 2:15 PM

Shirley Southgate, Executive Director, Leo Cussen Centre for Law


SESSION 1: 2:15 - 3:00 PM

1.1: Critical thinking in PLT: A lost cause or now more than ever? – Lewis Patrick, College of Law

1.2: Navigating Academic Integrity in the Age of Gen Z: Challenges and Ethical Considerations in Practical Legal Training – Karina Okotel, College of Law

1.3: The more things change, the more they stay the same (for student feedback)...or do they? – Dr Alan Davis, College of Law


SESSION 2: 3:00 - 3:45 PM

2.1: Prompting Supervision: Linking what Gen AI ‘knows’ and what PLT students know – Anneka Ferguson and Pamela Taylor-Barnett, UNSW

2.2: Beyond Plagiarism/Academic Misconduct in an AI World: Cheating as a Social Construct and Teaching the Ethical Use of AI – Tania Digges, College of Law

2.3: Who is Gen Z? – Katherine Baldanoff, College of Law


PLENARY: 4.15 - 4.45 PM

Fiona McLeay, Victorian Legal Services Board CEO and Commissioner – Opening Address


SESSION 3: 4:45 - 5:30 PM

3.1: AI and The Whole Lawyer: Two Futures - Craig Collins, Leo Cussen Centre for Law

3.2: What are the early student perceptions of learning using GenAI in the QUT PLT Course? - Nicole Landy, QUT

3.3: Practical legal training, conviviality, and other groovy ideas from the 1970s – John Molloy, College of Law


PLENARY: 9:30 - 10:30 AM

Keynote Speaker: Jordan Furlong, Legal Sector Analyst & Forecaster – The Future of Lawyer Formation: Fundamental Challenges (and Opportunities) for Professional Legal Educators Keynote and Paper

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Keynote Speaker: Tania Leiman - Professor & Dean of Law, Flinders University – New Challenges? Educating Next Gen lawyers for a Next Gen profession


SESSION 4: 12:00 - 12:45 PM

4.1: Next Gen legal education: upgrading our connection to Next Gen lawyers – Angela Panuccio-Gray, Leo Cussen Centre for Law

4.2: Positive identity, the neurodiversity movement and the next generation of lawyers – equipping Gen Z to work effectively with neurodiverse clients and colleagues - Rebecca Chisholm and Stephanie Mead, IPLS(NZ)

4.3: Next Gen Law: the cost of PLT and the value of workplace experience – Maxine Evers, UTS


SESSION 5: 1.30 - 2.15 PM

5.1: Evolution of advocacy training at the Institute of Professional Legal Studies: adapting our program for a new generation of lawyers – Dolly Brennan, Michelle Hall-Collins & Paula Warren, IPLS (NZ)

5.2: The business case for kindness in law and PLT – Deborah Battisson, Michael Appleby & Jonathan Naef, College of Law

5.3: The character revolution: the Importance of character skills in the Digital Age Presentation and Paper – Leisa Flatley, College of Law


SESSION 6: 2:15 - 3:00 PM

6.1: Training Gen Z PLT candidates in family violence legal practice – Stacy Mallis, Leo Cussen Centre for Law

6.2: Disclosure of mental health issues by Gen Z lawyers in the workplace – should they conceal or reveal? - Diana Mills, College of Law

6.3: Competition and collaboration - capturing Gen Z learners’ engagement – Keiko Togami Evans, College of Law


PLENARY: 3:00 - 4:00 PM

What Next? Next Gen PLT competency standards: APLEC working group review - and closing remarks

APLEC board members work across Woiwurrung, Boonwurrung, Eora, Yuggera and Turrbal, and Whadjuk country. We acknowledge and pay our respects to Aboriginal elders and community of the 250 nations of this continent. We also acknowledge and pay our respects to the indigenous peoples of The Torres Strait, Papua New Guinea, Aotearoa, and the South Pacific where we operate. We further seek to uphold the human rights of all indigenous peoples, women, non-binary, LGBTQIA+, and disabled people.

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